“We first met through a get together organised by Connor’s older brother, intended to find Connor’s younger brother a girlfriend. We hit it off and he very smoothly got my number, the catch was he was living in Canberra and I in Brisbane. Connor left for Canberra the next morning, but texted me the very next day. From there we texted and FaceTimed until Connor decided to fly back up to Brisbane to see me, only two weeks later! I picked him up from the airport and he promptly asked me out over pizza. I reciprocated by visiting him down in Canberra another two weeks later, which was the first of many trips back and forth. 6 months later, Connor decides to move to Brisbane and we said goodbye to long distance.”
Without a doubt, this was by far the wettest wedding I have ever photographed. 💯
It was like shooting in a storm; the rain was coming in sideways and every single person was soaked during the ceremony, myself and the couple included. There wasn’t a dry eye or shirt in the house for the rest of the wedding! 😢
But to Emma and Connor, it didn’t matter. There was no amount of rain that could dampen their day (or their attitude). If anything, the rain was even more of a reason to have fun and embrace whatever came their way, and it shows in their photos. Their day was incredible! ✨️
Unpredictable weather can be one of the biggest disappointments for a couple on their wedding day, but these two take the cake for having the most amazing mindset. As the quote goes, “Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.” 🌧
Congratulations, young lovers! 🥂